How Alibaba Empowers Brand Partners To Be Carbon Neutral

Alibaba Group is leveraging its platform power and joining forces with its ecosystem partners to promote carbon neutrality in the consumer industry.

The Hangzhou-based company is developing standards for low-carbon goods to improve the supply and quality of sustainable products while working with brand partners to increase consumer awareness.

“By leveraging the efforts and resources of the wider community, we have been able to address the consumer sector’s carbon footprint more effectively and innovatively,” said Alibaba’s Chief Marketing Officer Chris Tung at a virtual side event during the United Nations Economic and Social Council’s 2023 Partnership Forum in January.

Alibaba has vowed to slash 1.5 gigatons of carbon emissions across its digital ecosystem by 2035 with its pioneering “Scope 3+” concept that extends beyond its own operations and direct value chains.

Watch how Alibaba partners with leading companies to advocate for low-carbon consumption.

Key Quotes

“We are working with our ecosystem partners to promote decarbonization across the consumer sector,” said Alibaba’s Chris Tung.

“We are committed to reducing these emissions generated across our platforms but outside of our own operations and direct value chains,” said Tung.

Please refer to for additional information about Alibaba’s sustainability efforts.

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