A Mining Company In Chile Reveals How It Earned Its Licence To Operate

Originally published on Forbes.com

CMP differentiates itself through its operational model of Process Risk Management, implemented at the end of 2019 under the leadership of CEO, Francisco Carvajal Palacios. The company excels at anticipating scenarios that deviate from the operational plan and implementing controls to avoid them. At CMP, technology is not implemented just because others in the industry are using it; it is used to optimize resources, improve processes, and minimize risks.

“Technology allows us to speed up processes,” Andreoli explained. “We are automating operational parameters according to environmental, meteorological, and regulatory variables.”

The company’s dashboards and control panels provide round-the-clock visualization of performance. The company is currently implementing a compliance process on its SAP software landscape where users can access all relevant information and rely on a preventive alert system.

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