Celebrating its sixth annual tour, the Curiosity Cube from MilliporeSigma, the U.S. and Canada Life Science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, traveled across North America and Europe during 2024 to fuel curiosity and discovery among visitors.
The 2024 tour brought a new look, to the Curiosity Cube’s exterior and new lessons focused on sustainability. With a new look and lessons, the goal of the Curiosity Cube remained the same: enhance access to science education and foster innovation in the next generation of scientists. Through 282 events, more than 43,000 students in 208 communities across 14 countries learned how they can impact the planet by making sustainable choices through hands-on experiments led by real-life scientists at MilliporeSigma.
What does the Curiosity Cube have in store for 2025? Stay tuned for exciting news to come!
To learn more about the Curiosity Cube mobile science lab, visit TheCuriosityCube.com and follow the Curiosity Cube on Instagram @curiositycube_milliporesigma.